
Monday, October 12, 2009

New Roommate~

Yesterday, me and my roommate bought a new ‘ikan lage’ at tamu (chika), to be the wife to yuya, the ‘ikan lage’ that I bought last last Sunday. They were so cute together but the process of mating is not cute at all. All yuya knew is to force chika to marry him. Well, I guess all animal are like that right.

Yuya was named after Tegoshi Yuya of N.E.W.S

Yuya’s trying to show it’s power to chika, who in the far bottom corner under the coral. Cannot have her get out there though

Eid Convoy 2009

Last Friday, my friends and I convoyed to open houses of kak aemi, pija and Dr. Rosalam in tuaran, kota belud and kota kinabalu. This is the first time I tagged along them convoying during eid. It was so much fun. We used 5 cars altogether. We are very sorry to those who cannot come because of lack of spaces in the car. Truly sorry guys.

To wrap up the day, we encounter such a horrible experience on our way to the third house, Dr. Rosalam’s. As we were heading to Indah Permai, Kota Kinabalu, we saw a pick-up truck literally drive on a dog. We screamed as we were so shocked of what had really happened in front of our eyes. One of my friends inside the car was crying at that time. I still can remember the scenery where the dog is right under the wheel. I think it broke its neck. I was brave enough to look back after we went pass the dying dog. I can see it trembling with its head twisted and its tongue stuck out of the mouth. A second before it was running across the street with many cars. A second after it was dying. This is what we call ‘malang tidak berbau’.

P/S: hope you wont hunt me tonight cute doggie~